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Canine Tune-up (8 Sessions)

8 Sessions across 5 weeks - one week break in the middle for you to practice.  $800

Intended for Dogs with problematic in home behavior and low severity reactivity. Behaviors include not listening, loose leash walking, fear, and separation anxiety.

The goal is to socialize the dog and identify their triggers so we can lower the amount of negative interactions and either build confidence for fearful dogs, or add hierarchy structure for overly confident dogs.

Master a Pull-free walk, perfect meal time, and basic obedience commands.

Basic commands and impulse control focused.  We want to help the dog understand acceptable and unacceptable behaviors so that they can make better decisions on their own.

Personalized game plan for activity and energy management for your dog that can better fit your lifestyle.

Confidence Building for fearful and anxious dogs through exercise, structure, and guidance. as well as energy maintainance.

Video content created of me working with your dog and working with you together

Sessions might be together or just me with the dog - depending on the situation and the needs.

Friendly Pal (12 Sessions)

12 sessions across 5 weeks. 6 sessions for 2 weeks - one week break for you to practice, then another set of 6 sessions for 2 weeks.  $1,000

Training equipment included.

Intended for dogs with behavior issues and require more guidance - including puppy training.  Potty training and kennel training included as well as other behaviors from previous package.

Sessions will be split between together and just me and the dog depending on needs of the situation. You will be required to learn how to handle your dog, and provide adequate guidance.

Intro tricks (Sit, Place, Kennel, Leave it, drop, intro recall)

Master a Pull-free walk

Personalized game plan for activity and energy management for your dog that can better fit your lifestyle.

Confidence Building for fearful and anxious dogs through exercise, structure, and guidance. 

Video content created of me working with your dog and working with you together

Multiple “socialization” sessions towards the end of the bootcamp - I will take your dog to Home Depot or Lowes to build confidence in new scenarios.

Priority scheduling with Additional sessions and training walks

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Canine Master (12 Long Sessions)

12 sessions across 5 weeks with a one week break on week 3 for you to practice what we have been working on. Sessions will be 2 hours addressing as many situations as possible. This is our most advanced program yet, and I can't wait to share this experience together.  $1,800

Training equipment included. - Raised bed, E collar, Leash, treat pouch, & Clicker.

This package is intended for people who are ready to CHANGE their LIFESTYLE COMPLETELY.  An owner and canine that desire a more active and companion driven relationship.  I want to show you the best way to live with your dog so that you are closer and more valuable than ever before - and minimize undesired behaviors.   If you have always dreamed of being the person that brings their dog everywhere and has a relationship everyone admires - THIS is the package for YOU.

Sessions will be varied working with you and your dog or just your dog.  The goal in this is to get you and your dog on the same page, and help you transform into the best owner you can be.  Having a very active lifestyle and many activities with your dog is the end goal.

Intro tricks (Sit, Place, Kennel, Leave it, drop, intro recall) Includes potty and kennel training.

Master a Pull-free walk

Intermediate Tricks (Recall from distance, Down, drop from distance, basic heel)

Advanced tricks and behavior (After discussing with the family, we will go over anything and everything that has not been mentioned before in order to get the very best result)

Personalized game plan for activity and energy management for your dog that can better fit your lifestyle. Outdoor activities and socialization. Including free consultations during and after bootcamp.

Confidence Building for fearful and anxious dogs through exercise, structure, and guidance.

Video content created of me working with your dog and working with you together

Diet, health, and breed consultations. What you put in your dogs body and their activity levels can literally add YEARS to your dogs life.  This combination of training and lifestyle change is intended to be sustained so that your dog can avoid as much sickness and disease as possible.

Priority scheduling with Additional sessions and training walks

 Additional Services 

Health Consultation $100 - We can talk on the phone or video call and discuss how to help your dog have the healthiest life and live as many years as possible.

DOG BOARDING: Contact me for more info! Summer Special is HERE!

Free Pre-bootcamp consultation phone call – 15 minutes to discuss the current issues you have in order to decide which bootcamp best fits your needs.

New Pack Member Consultation $100 – I can help you decide which size, age, temperament, and breed would best fit your lifestyle if you are planning to add a dog to the family.

New Pack Member Introduction $250 – Help you introduce your new family member to the current pack as safely as possible – and give guidance on how to respect the new member’s boundaries.

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